"ASCII art is a 20th century art movement that utilizes computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard..."
— Wikipedia
One day I was browsing deviantART's "text art" category and collected my favourite typography and ascii art I found on the web. This is here the collection of the ascii art I liked the most.
First of all I have to admit that I removed the initials of the artists from some of the images. Most of these images are from Jaon G. Stark's huge and amazing gallery, the other half from various people I listed below along with their names, initials and - if availabe - link to their homepages.
More detailed "Who is who in ASCII art" can be found here and here. (Many link are broken, though.) Images from unknown authors were taken from ascii-art.de or Goran Gajic's page.
I have to say that the smaller the ascii image is, the more I admire it. I don't know whether it is harder to draw or not but I think it requires the artist to be more creative, and it is simply amazing how much you can say with just a few characters. So here are my favourites (grouped in categories):
Bat (jgs)
Bat (ejm)
Bunny (jgs)
Rabbit (jgs)
Rabbit (ejm)
Bunny (fsc)
Bunny (mh)
Playboy (jgs)
Cow (jgs)
Cow (? the original)
Cow (hjw)
Cow (tre)
Cow rotated 90? (Randy Ransom)
Dogs (jgs)
Dog (VK/a:f)
Dog (bw)
Peeing dog (VK)
Puppy (jgs)
Mice (jgs)
Mouse (ejm)
Shrew (jgs)
Rat (BP)
Hamster (hjw)
Hedgehog (?)
Cockatoo (jgs)
Owls (jgs)
Owl (ejm)
Owl (hjm)
Owl (m1a)
Owl (as)
Owls (b'ger)
O RLY Owls (?)
Rooster (jgs)
Turkey (jgs)
Chick (jgs)
Bird (cf)
Birdy (BP)
Birds (ldb)
Birds (b'ger)
Birds (?)
Penguin (Neil Smith)
Penguin (BP)
Penguin (snd)
Penguin/Linux (hashaday)
Ducks (hjw)
Parrot (?)
Pigs (jgs)
Pig (Christoph Manz)
Pig (ARV)
Pig (Wong)
Squirrel (jgs)
Sheep (jgs)
Sheep (b'ger)
Cats (VK)
Cat (ejm)
Cat (ldb)
Cat (DrS)
Orangutan (jgs)
Monkey (ejm)
King Kong (Keely)
Fox (ejm)
Fox (Keely)
Elephant (VK)
Elephants (wtx)
Indian elephant (ejm)
Giraffe (ejm)
Giraffe (fsc)
Koala (mrf)
Koalas (gpyy)
Lion (Lorraine Day)
Lion/Cat (VK)
Lion (jgs)
Deer (ejm)
Antler (fsc)
Snail (jgs)
Spiders (jgs)
Ant (tre)
Frog (jgs)
Frog (b'ger)
Frog (?)
Little fish (jgs)
Fish (b'ger)
Fish (Neil Smith)
Crab (jgs)
Seal (?)
Turtle (ldb)
Turtle (gnv)
Turtle (JRO)
Turtles (jgs)
Whales (jgs)
Whale (VK)
Whale (Riitta Rasmus)
Octopus (hh)
Alligator (jgs)
Babies (jgs)
Zorro (jgs)
Einstein (jgs)
Confucious (jgs)
Roman profiles (jgs)
Santa's face (jgs)
Ballerina (jgs)
Diver (jgs)
Indian (jgs)
Knight (jgs)
Butler (jgs)
Cannibal (jgs)
Looking for clues (jgs)
Mamma cooking (jgs)
Female flasher (jgs)
Mom and baby (jgs)
Napoleon (jgs)
Oriental woman (jgs)
Senior citizen (jgs)
Sherlock Holmes (jgs)
Soldier (jgs)
Woman (jgs)
Pharoah (jgs)
Monk (b'ger)
Nurse (b'ger)
Nurse (?)
Secretary (b'ger)
Woman (b'ber)
Viking (VK after Jim)
Bar (jgs)
Bathtub (jgs)
Bed (jgs)
Chair (jgs)
Couch (jgs)
Director's chair (jgs)
Window (jgs)
Armchair (?)
Bar (ejm)
Bathroom (lc)
Cafe (ejm)
Toilet (Pr59)
Man at computer (jgs)
Man on toilet (jgs)
Watching TV (brojek)
Man at computer (jgs)
Bicycle (jgs)
Motorcycle (ind)
Motorcycle (jgs)
Cyclist (?)
Canoeing (jgs)
Shopping cart (jgs)
Supermarket trolley (?)
Scooter (jgs)
Pram (ldb)
Double decker (jgs)
Car (jgs)
Trucks (jgs)
Plane (Joe Coppick)
Plane (Joseph P. Wetstein)
Train (?)
Rockets (jgs)
Tank (jgs)
UFO (jgs)
Dart (jgs)
Football (jgs)
Hockey player (jgs)
Ice skater (jgs)
Parachutists (jgs)
Weightlifter (?)
Swimmer - butterflies (jgs)
Small barn (jgs)
Church (jgs)
Eiffel Tower (jgs)
Tiny church (jgs)
Windmill (?)
Congas (ejm)
Dancers (ejm)
Pianist (?)
Guitar (VK)
Cooked turkey (jgs)
Chicken (ejm)
Fast food (jgs)
Muffin (jgs)
Bottle and glasses - Champagne (jgs)
Drink (jgs)
Martini (jgs)
Bread (jgs)
Birthday cake (jgs)
Ice cream (jgs)
Mugs of beer (jgs)
Water melon (jgs)
Strawberries (jgs)
Cabbage (jgs)
Pineapple (jgs)
Pumpkin (jgs)
Peanut (hh)
Bandage (jgs)
Drugs (jgs)
Microscope (jgs)
Axe (jgs)
Axe (VK)
Hammer (jgs)
Bolts (jgs)
Chainsaw (jgs)
Corkscrew (mbfh)
Hand drill (lf)
Shovel (jgs)
Books (jgs)
Crayons (jgs)
Pencil (jgs)
Safety pins (jgs)
Scissors (jgs)
Scissors (VK)
Clothespin (lc)
Keys (jgs)
Skate key (jgs)
Laundry (jgs)
Bra (jgs)
Sneakers (jgs)
Socks (jgs)
Hat (jgs)
Suitcases (jgs)
Handbag (Riitta Rasmus)
Pants (fL)
Towel (ejm)
Toaster (jgs)
Thermos (jgs)
Menorrah (jgs)
Place setting (jgs)
Knife and fork (hjw)
Broom (jgs)
Paint roller (jgs)
Cigarette (jgs)
Trash can (jgs)
Trash can (ptr)
Lightbulb (jgs)
Tiny light bulb (jgs)
Camera (jgs)
Electric plug (jgs)
TV (jgs)
Typewriter (jgs)
Phone (jgs)
Telephone (ldb)
Telephone (sjw)
Mobile phone (sjw)
Mobile phone (jsm)
USB (hjm)
Lawnmower (jgs)
Money bags (jgs)
Stethoscope (jgs)
Acorn (jgs)
Angels (jgs)
Folder (jgs)
Crown (jgs)
Fire hydrant (jgs)
Genie's lamp (jgs)
Gift (jgs)
Footprints (jgs)
Ghost (jgs)
Gun (jgs)
Witch (jgs)
Witch in the moon (jgs)
Witch (ldb)
Skull (jgs)
Skull (ldb)
Teddy bear (jgs)
Teddy bears (jgs)
Teeth (jgs)
Chess (VK)
Devil (-bf-)
Snowman (hjw)
Snowman (mrz/Ool)
Lily (ejm)
Torpedo (Krogg)
Thumbs up (?)
:D | laughter |
|-I | asleep |
:-c | real unhappy |
;-) | winking |
:-O | shocked |
:-* | kissing |
\:-) | one eyebrow raised |
:-\ | thinking |
:-b | sticking out tongue (right) |
:-p | sticking out tongue (left) |
:-{ | moustached |
:-3 | moustached |
d:-) | wearing a baseball cap |
@:-) | wearing a turban |
8-) | wearing glasses |
B-) | sunglasses on head |
[:-) | wearing a walkman |
:-)X | wearing a bowtie |
X:-) | wearing a bow |
Q:-) | new graduate |
=:-) | punk |
+:-) | priest |
C=:-) | chef |
[:-] | robot |
]:-) | devil |
\(^o^)/ | very excited (raising hands) |
(O_O) | shocked |
(-_-;) | nervousness, sweating |
(-_-) | annoyance, tired (eyes shut) |
d[-_-]b | DJ with headphones |
![]() | I don't know, lol |
* | spider/shuriken |
<3 | love/heart |
<:3 | mouse |
<:3)~~~ | mouse |
@-}--- | rose |
@__ | carpet roll (Krogg) |
/"\ | volcano (Krogg) |
[#> | .22 projectile (Krogg) |
C|_| | coffee mug (Krogg) |
Y | slingshot (Krogg) |
>++('> | fish (Krogg) |
D--(] | shovel (Krogg) |
O--" | key (lf) |
>('> | fish |
(::[]::) | bandage |
Bert and Earnie from Sesame Street
Betty Boop
Hello Kitty
South Park Gang
Humpty Dumpty
Popeye and Olive Oyl
Baby (jgs)
Band (jgs)
Bandstand (lc)
Birds (lc)
Birds (jgs)
Colibri (jgs)
Dressing room (lc)
Gas station (lc)
Haunted castle (lc)
Mouse (jgs)
Nutcracker (jgs)
Office (lc)
Policeman (jgs)
Card: Queen of hearts (lc)
Skater (jgs)
Swimmer (jgs)
Buckboard wagon (lc)
Next time I will post my typography art collection. ;)
(It is unbelievable how much time I am wasting editing these!!!)
2009/03/02 00:02:24